thermodynamic processes and magnetism in strongly correlated molecules
报 告 人:Dr. Georgios
magnetic molecular systems become increasingly more important both for theory
and experiment, temperature starts to play a very important role. The reason
for this is that future technological nano-spintronics applications, will (most
probably) have to function in room temperature in order to reach the market.
Further from simply taking this additional degree of freedom into account one
can also think of harvesting it by means of nano heat engines.
In this talk I will start by introducing some
fundamental temperature concepts applicable in quantum systems [1-4], and then
proceed by presenting our recent work regarding nano-Otto [5,6] and nano-Diesel
cycles [7] based on molecular nanomagnets. Among others I will show why the
dimensionality of thermodynamic diagrams must be increased in non-equilibrium
quantum systems, and I will indicate the special connection between
thermodynamic and magnetic properties.
[1] H.T. Quan, Y.-X. Liu, C.P. Sun, and F. Nori, Phys. Rev. B 76,
031105 (2007)
[2] G. Lefkidis and W. Hübner, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155106 (2006)
[3] G. Lefkidis and W. Hübner, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 321, 979 (2009)
[4] C. Li, T. Hartenstein, G. Lefkidis and W. Hübner, Phys. Rev. B 79,
180431(R) (2009)
[5] C.D. Dong, G. Lefkidis, and W. Hübner, J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 26,
1589 (2013)
[6] W. Hübner, G. Lefkidis, C.D. Dong, D. Chaudhuri, L. Chotorlishvili, and
J. Berakdar, Phys. Rev. B 90, 024401 (2014)
[7] C.D. Dong, G. Lefkidis, and W. Hübner, Phys. Rev. B 88, 214421
Georgios Lefkidis received his M.S degree and doctoral degree in Aristotle University
Thessaloniki in 1995 and 2002, respectively. From 2003, he worked in Kaiserslautern
University of Technology as a Post-doctoral researcher for four years. Currently
he is a tenured lecturer in TU Kaiserslautern and a visiting professor in Northwestern
Polytechnical University. His main research fields are electronic ab-initio theory of nonlinear optics and
magnetooptics in (anti)ferromagnets, laser-induced spin and charge dynamics,
quantum thermodynamics, and logic functionalization of magnetic nanostructures
for logic units and spintronics devices. Till now he has contributed 49 peer
reviewed publications (PRL, Nature Physics, PRB et al.), 1 book chapter, and 27 invited talks. Also, he is a
referee for several journals (e.g., American Physical Society and Physica
Status Solidi).