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职称/职务: 教授、实验室副院长
电子信箱: xtxie@snnu.edu.cn
出生年月: 1980-05
办公地点: bwin必赢国际官网APP长安校区致知楼3129


2015/07        bwin必赢国际官网APP(教师)

2012/012014/02 香港中文大学物理系(博士后)

2009/112015/06 西北大学bwin必赢国际官网APP(教师)

2007/082009/09 Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (博士后)

2003/092007/07 华中科技大学物理系 (攻读理学博士学位)

2001/022003/06 华中科技大学光电工程系 (攻读工学学士学位,第二学位)

1999/092003/06 华中科技大学物理系 (攻读理学学士学位)








1) 少周期脉冲在亚波长微结构系统中的传输与相干控制,2011-2013年(国家自然科学基金青年项目)

2) 少周期脉冲微纳结构中的量子相干效应与传输控制,2011-2013(高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金)

3) 少能级系统少周期脉冲量子相干效应的研究,2010-2011(陕西省自然科学基础研究计划)

4) 新奇物質中光學效應的理論研究,2012-2013(博士后基金特别资助项目)

5) 人工光学介质模拟时空反演对称量子力学, 20136-20155 (博士后基金面上项目)





[1]      Wen-Xing Yang*, Xiao-Tao Xie, Ai-Xi Chen, Ziwen Huang and Ray-Kuang Lee, Coherent control of high-order-harmonic generation via tunable plasmonic bichromatic near fields in a metal nanoparticle, Phys. Rev. A 93(5), 053806/1-11 (2016).

[2]      Ji-Bing Liu*, Na Liu,Chuanjia Shan, Tangkun Liu, Hong Li, Anshou Zheng* and Xiao-Tao Xie*,  Electromagnetically induced grating in a crystal of molecular magnets system. Phys. Lett. A, 380(31): 2458–2464 (2016).

[3]      Wen-Jing Zhang, Kang Jin, Lu-Ling Jin and Xiao-Tao Xie*, Analytic results for the population dynamics of a driven dipolar molecular system, Phys. Rev. A 93(4), 043840/1-7 (2016).

[4]      Li-Chen Meng, Wen-Jing Zhang, Jibing Liu and Xiao-Tao Xie*, " A dimer PT-symmetric model simulated in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells. Europhysics Letters, 114(3): 34001/1-6 (2016).

[5]      Ji-Bing Liu*, Tang-Kun Liu, Hong Li, Xiao-Tao Xie*, D. N. Wang and Ray-Kuang Lee, (2 + 1)-D spatial ring solitons in a semiconductor quantum well system. Europhysics Letters, 112(5): 5602/1-6 (2015).

[6]      Jibing Liu*, Xiao-Tao Xie*, Chuan-Jia Shan, Tang-Kun Liu, Ray-Kuang Lee and Ying Wu, Optical bistability in nonlinear periodical structures with PT -symmetric potential, Laser Phys. 25, 015102/1-6 (2015).

[7]      X. Li and Xiao-Tao Xie*, Solitons in PT-symmetric nonlinear dissipative gratings, Phys. Rev. A 90, 033804/1-6 (2014).

[8]      X.-T. Xie, B.-F. Zhu and R.-B. Liu*, Effects of excitation frequency on high-order terahertz sideband generation in semiconductors, New J. Phys. 15 105015 (2013).

[9]      Guo Liang, Xie Xiao-Tao*, and Zhan Zhiming, Shaping of few-cycle laser pulses via a subwavelength structure, Chin. Phys. B, 22, 094212 (2013).

[10]  W.-J. Zhang, X.-T. Xie*, L.-L. Jin, and J.-T. Bai, Ultrafast population transfer in a Λ-configuration level system driven by few-cycle laser pulses, Chin. Phys. B 22, 114210 (2013).

[11]  Xiao-Tao XIE, Viorel CIORNEA, Mihai A. MACOVEI*, Two-photon quantum dynamics in a nonlinear micromaser, PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY, Series A, 14, 48-55 (2013).

[12]  Jin Kang, Xie Xiao-Tao, and Jiang Zhen-Yi,Spectral properties of a Ξ-configuration atom driven by a pair of bichromatic fields, Chin. Phys. B, 22, 014205 (2013).

[13]  Jing Wu and Xiao-Tao Xie*, Jahn-Teller effect and driven binary oscillators in PT-symmetric potentials, Phys. Rev. A 86, 032112 (2012).

[14]  K. Jin*, X.-T. Xie*, and Z.-Y. Jiang, Phase dependent effect on the resonant absorption spectrum in a Ξ-configuration atom driven by a pair of bichromatic fields, Eur. Phys. J. D, 66: 317 (2012).

[15]  Xie Xiao-Tao* and Macovei Mihai*, Single-cycle gap soliton in a subwavelength structure. Phys. Rev. Lett. 2010, 104(7): 073902/1-4.

[16]  Liu Ji-Bing*, Xie Xiao-Tao* and Wu Ying, Acoustic solitary wave and breather in molecular magnets via electromagnetically induced transparency. Europhysics Letters, 2010, 89(1): 17006-17011.

[17]  Macovei Mihai* and Xie Xiao-Tao. Two-photon cooling of a nonlinear quantum oscillator. Opt. Comm., 2009, 282(19): 3930-3933.

[18]  Xie Xiao-Tao*, Macovei Mihai, Martin Kiffner, and Christoph H. Keitel. Probing quantum superposition states with few-cycle laser pulses. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 2009, 26(10): 1912-1917.

[19]  Huang Pei*, Xie Xiao-Tao*, Lü Xin-You and Li Jia-Hua. The Carrier-Envelope Phase-Dependent of High-oder Harmonic Generation in a Driven Two-level Atom System. Phys. Rev. A, 2009, 79(4): 043806/1-6.

[20]  Xie Xiao-Tao*, Li Weibin, Li Jiahua, Yang Wen-Xing, Yuan Anming and Yang Xiaoxue. Transverse acoustic wave in molecular magnets via electromagnetically induced transparency. Phys. Rev. B, 2007, 75(18): 184423/1-6.





1) 2011/08 入选2011年度“香江学者计划”(全国博管会与香港学者协会) [首届]

2) 2012/09 入选西北大学2012年度“优秀青年学术骨干支持计划” [首届]



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